Description:These daycares are well maintained, both inside and out, and has been serving their communities for over 30 and 20 years, respectively. The centers have teachers with long tenures at the daycare and parents love them. The centers are located near major thoroughfares and have excellent demographics in their markets. Owning the real estate enables the buyer to build equity and participate in potential appreciation, instead of paying rent to a third party. This opportunity is well suited for both the owner/operator buyer, as well as an absentee investor.
Facilities:The facilities are comprised of student classrooms, a kitchen for onsite food preparation, gym and multi-purpose rooms and has playgrounds with age appropriate playground equipment and toys. The centers are in excellent condition, they well stocked with all of the required educational materials and supplies and they are turnkey operations.
Growth/Expansion:These preschools are located in areas of Triangle that have seen, and are continuing to see, significant growth. A comprehensive marketing plan could add additional revenue and cash, as there is available capacity at both of the centers.
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